Are you a snail enthusiast looking to add some new friends to your tank? Mystery snails are surely one of the popular choices for aquarists, but before you get your hands on them, you could be wondering one question. Do mystery snails eat fish poop?
While it’s possible that they may accidentally ingest some while foraging in the tank, fish poop is not a suitable primary food source for mystery snails. Although it may contain some leftover nutrients, it is not enough to sustain the health and development of your snail.
Mystery snails require a balanced diet that includes algae wafers, calcium, and other necessary nutrients to thrive. Keep reading to learn more!
Is It OK If Mystery Snails Eat Fish Poop?
The short answer is yes, it’s OK for mystery snails to eat fish poop if they come across it while foraging in the tank. In general, snails are known to consume animal feces in the wild, so it’s not uncommon for your mystery snails to eat fish poop if they come across it.
But is fish poop a suitable primary food source for mystery snails? Not really. Fish poop may contain some leftover nutrients that fish couldn’t digest and absorb, but it is not a balanced diet for your snail.
Mystery snails require a varied diet that includes algae wafers, calcium, and other necessary nutrients to thrive and maintain their overall health and development.
So while it’s okay for mystery snails to eat fish poop if they come across it, it’s important to not rely on it as a primary food source.
Make sure to provide a balanced diet and proper tank maintenance to ensure the happiness and health of your mystery snails.
See Related: Do Shrimps Eat Fish Poop?
Are There Any Species That Will Eat Fish Poop?
Unfortunately, neither snails, fish, nor shrimp are capable of effectively removing fish poop from your tank. Although some of them occasionally munch on fish poop, none of them are known as a poop eating species.
So your best solution is either do gravel vac, water change, and add some live plants to your aquarium.
How To Get Rid Of Fish Poop From The Tank?
#1. Perform Regular Water Changes
This simple yet effective task is an essential part of maintaining a clean and healthy tank. By regularly performing water changes, you can remove excess waste and contaminants from your tank, including fish poop. In general, you should change 10% to 15% of water every week.
I highly recommend watching this video to learn some simple and effective tips for performing water changes:
#2. Add Live Plants
Live plants have the ability to absorb excess nutrients and waste from the water, including fish poop. By adding live plants to your tank, you can naturally remove excess waste and keep your water clean and healthy.
But which plants are best for this purpose? There are a variety of live plants that can effectively absorb excess nutrients and waste, including Java moss, Anubias, and Hornwort. These plants are easy to care for, making them a great addition to any tank.
In addition to their waste-removing capabilities, live plants have a variety of other benefits for your tank. They provide additional oxygen for your fish, creating a natural and visually appealing environment.
#3. Gravel Vac
There’s nothing quite like the calming presence of a beautifully decorated tank filled with vibrant, healthy fish and other aquatic creatures.
But as any seasoned fishkeeper knows, maintaining a clean and healthy tank is no small feat.
One of the most common issues that can arise is an accumulation of fish poop, which can quickly dirty up the tank and create less than desirable living conditions for your finned friends.
But fear not! With a little elbow grease and the right tools, you can easily remove fish poop from your tank and keep it sparkling clean.
And one such tool that can come handy in your tank maintenance is gravel vac. This handy tool is specifically designed to help you remove debris from the gravel or substrate in your tank.
To use a gravel vac, simply follow these steps:
- Gather your supplies. In addition to your gravel vac, you’ll need a bucket, a small net, and a hose or faucet for rinsing.
- Empty a small section of your tank. Using your small net, gently scoop out a small portion of your fish and other aquatic creatures and place them in a separate container or tank. This will make it easier to clean the affected area without stressing out your pets.
- Begin vacuuming. Submerge the end of your gravel vac into the gravel or substrate and gently move it back and forth to loosen any debris that may be stuck. Be sure to focus on areas where you’ve noticed an accumulation of fish poop.
- Rinse and repeat. Once you’ve vacuumed up as much debris as possible, use your hose or faucet to rinse the gravel or substrate. You may need to repeat this process a few times to completely remove all the fish poop.
- Return your fish and other aquatic creatures to the tank. Once your tank is clean and free of fish poop, carefully return your pets to their now sparkling home.
Gravel vacuuming is an essential part of maintaining a clean and healthy tank.
By regularly using this tool and incorporating other tank maintenance practices such as regular water changes and adding live plants, you can keep your tank in tip-top shape and ensure the happiness and well-being of all its inhabitants.
When Do Mystery Snails Eat Fish Poop?
If your mystery snail is constantly eating fish poop and you are not giving any food to them other than feeding fish pellets, it’s likely starving.
First things first, it’s important to understand that mystery snails are omnivores, meaning they’ll happily munch on both plant and animal matter.
In the wild, they’ll consume a variety of organic materials, including algae, dead plants, and even small invertebrates.
In an aquarium setting, it’s important to provide a balanced diet for your mystery snails that includes algae wafers, calcium, and other necessary nutrients.
Here’s a list of food items you can feed your mystery snails:
- Algae Wafers
- Fish Pellets
- Shrimp Pellets
- Blanched Vegetables (like spinach, zucchini)
Read More: How Often Should You Feed Mystery Snails?
Wrapping Up
In short, mystery snails are not active fish poop eaters. However, they may occasionally munch on fish poop while moving around in the tank, which is okay.
It’s important to make sure that your snails are not starving and that you are providing them with a well-balanced diet to thrive.
Mystery snails are good for taking care of algae growth in the tank, but for fish poop, you will need to perform water changes, add live plants, and gravel vac the tank.
Further Recommended Reading:
-> Do Mystery Snails Eat Fish Eggs?
-> Mystery Snail Eggs Fell In Water? Will They Hatch?
-> Mystery Snails & Bettas: Can They Live Together?
Hi! I’m Praveen Ghoshal, the founder of Inspired by my Dad, I got interested in fishkeeping when I was a kid. Since then, I have been involved with this hobby. Currently, I have 3 fish tanks at our home, and I enjoy this hobby with my full family. Read more about me here.